First thank you to all friends and family who have reached out to us this past week. It makes the challenge easier to know that you are there. My adorable sweet pea has been an anchor to me through all of this. I could not have accomplished what has been done on my own and I have full confidence in her ability. She is such a blessing in my life. I am so grateful for all who have reached out to her, feeding her and talking with makes such a difference. I know this is a challenge for her and she is such a noble spirit and person I know this will give her more experience and refining and what means even more to me is that I know she will recognize the blessing.
Heavenly Father truly blessed me in this accident, it could have been so much worse! It was a shock and feeling of isolation as the car came crashing into me and the incredible pain I felt; but there in the crowd of people He sent an angel, someone I was acquainted with of whom I have great respect for. When I saw her face I felt comforted.
I didn't accept my position until yesterday and that is when it hit me. I am injured and it will be a struggle like I never dreamed of until today to get me back to normal. That is the goal and I am doing my best to make it happen.
Rehab is hard work, all kinds of little obstacles pop up and we will take them as they come. Your prayers are much appreciated. I work hard from 6:30 a.m. and have been going to bed at 7 pm so I can keep my strength up.
Please forgive me if I don't get right back to you. I will continue to post as I can. Love to all. Take care and thank you again. Janine
Introducing SAWYER PETE MOSER! 8/2/2014
9 years ago