Friday, September 5, 2008


So With School things are getting really really busy!

This is My Schedule

Mondays- Guitar and Math (2 hours long!!) Work
Tuesdays- English & History - Off go to Institute
Wednesdays- Guitar & Math-Work
Thursdays- English & History - Work
Fridays- Piano (3 Hours!!) -Work
Saturday- Work half day

Never again will I take a Friday Class. I have no time to study except, Saturday & Tuesday.
With the store Closing work is getting busy too.
While in one of my previous blogs I complained about the customers knowing that the store is closing and them being rude.
I am glad that it is out in the open. I can be completely honest with people.
And We are happier! (we being the employees of Deseret Book Bonanza) We are in better moods- we're sad about the store closing, but we are happy that we can tell everyone.
so that's all- off to study!!!

1 comment:

Karrae said...

I'm so excited you have a blog!!! I'm taking a piano class too!!!!!!!