Sunday, October 19, 2008

Thoughts on Adams birthday

I have been thinking much about birthdays. Today is Adams 30th birthday, where does the time go, and where was I while it was rolling by? I know I was there, for I remember being a young mom and felt that the crying babies and endless laundry would never end. I wasn't paying good enough attention because it did end in a blink of an eye.
Just yesterday my little toddler was sitting in the chair with his beautiful happy face sporting a huge pair of sunglasses. He was pulling down the tv on himselft, giving him those evenly placed scars from the knobs; and he was shredding his arm from bike riding on the hill. He was in scouts and playing with Suzie. His heart was so big and loving.
I witnessed and partook in the events. Cradled his head and held his heart while he poured out the tears and poured out mine to God for him and we kept on going. In a moment it is all over, he is grown and I missed so much of it. I missed his adolescant time, I never thought that would happen but it did, and I have missed his young adult days and now his is a man, with a plan and all I can do is pay tribute to what he is making of himself for he has harnessed that strength in him, his spirit and he is becoming that which he desires and I am proud of him. I love him, my little son. Happy birthday Adam, I love you. Mum..... And as usual, I forgot to mail his card.

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