So being the red-blooded meat eating American I am, I like freedom- in fact that is to light.
I Love Freedom!
So yes, I am anti- socialism.
Strange thought, I realize- and I also realize that anyone reading this blog already pretty much knows my views.
Also to the people who say:
yes He is- but Socialism doesn't work WITHOUT him.
It is not doable-especially with such a large country.
And technically- Jesus is for a Theocracy.
In my English class we were required to set up our own Utopia-
I was increasingly frustrated with this project- because Utopia cannot exist unless the people are of one heart and one mind. Otherwise the natural, carnal man corrupts.
And when will mankind be of one heart and one mind? The Millennium.
We can't do Utopia by ourselves.
We can do the best we can- but taking away people freedoms is not the way to go.
It just depresses me to think of what the founding fathers must think of the state of the union now.
The country is the frog, and I think we are cooking- slowly becoming accustomed to having our personal freedoms stripped away.
Frankly that scares me.
Well said :)
Ditto!!! Your mother must be so proud
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